An airbrush kit was sent to me, which I was very interested in. I grew up painting and have all sorts of uses for a small spray painting operation.
The kit was this one:
It came with some cheap paints, a cheap brush, and a cheap compressor. Just enough to pique my interest, and flop in every way.
I tried to use it as it was sent, and it was a total failure. Paint splashing everywhere, not adjustable really, then the compressor died, then resurrected itself, but the charging light is dead. The O-ring around the compressor already had come off.
I don’t get discouraged easily, though.
I watched hours of videos on YouTube. Barbados Rex is a good Channel. I learned a lot. Like I need some more art lessons. But the airbrush is first. I have several projects that I can use this on, so I’m eager to get going.
I’m not spontaneous when purchasing something. Anything. It’s something I inherited from my grandfather. I sleep on it. I deliberate. I research. I compare and analyze.
But that doesn’t mean I go in order, and this is a great example that’s funny.
I came across the chance to get a hose to connect the brush to the compressor. But the ends don’t fit.
So I ordered some adaptors. As many as I could get, so that I wouldn’t be disappointed. They fit on the hose, but not on the compressor. Try again.
Meanwhile, I ordered some better paint and some paint thinner especially made for airbrushes. And while I awaited those, I tried to optimize my brush and see if I could get it working.
I also had the chance to get an organizer for 48 paints. The ecosystem is growing.
This “hobby” appeals mostly to 2 sets I can tell: the guys(no women) that build models and paint them, and were into it when they were young. I sort of did that, but I do woodworking and make bigger things now I want to use it for. The other are airbrush artists, who can paint so realistically with them, it’s amazing.
I disassembled the brush and soaked it in thinner. I cleaned it with alcohol. And Q-Tips. I then put it in an ultrasonic cleaner I have. That worked pretty well but the thing still goes all the time. It either sprays constantly, or bubbles out of the cup and goes everywhere, which means it’s clogged. But I’ve cleaned this thing well. Over and over. Disassembled. I just don’t know. And the ultrasonic cleaner proved some of the knobs were plastic, not metal. Not a big deal as far as functionality, just design.
I ordered a spray pot off Alibaba, and got it today, and I must say I was impressed with it. A glass container and very weighty. I really like it. I don’t need it because all the paint comes out of all the other seams. I put water in it and the tip leaks. Great product. Not.
I’ve been deliberating on whether to buy another compressor off Alibaba that I think would work well. It cuts off when you aren’t using it and is portable. That’s pretty good, and it comes highly recommended.
On the other hand, I need a good brush, which is arguably more important than a compressor. They range from about 20 bucks up to 300, if you’re insane or get them for free.
I’ve found some good ones on eBay and on Amazon. I have an offer in on a VEVOR compressor on eBay for $70 that comes with both the compressor and some brushes, which MUST be better than what I have. Because what I have doesn’t work, I now have a collection of all I need to get going with airbrushing(Except a ventilated booth). That’s how these things seem to formulate. We’ll see. I’m not going to spend a lot of money here, but I do plan to move forward with this endeavor.