
The Hurricane

Bob Dylan and Company tell a tale of 60's racism

I like this song a lot for its characteristics as such. But I couldn’t imagine a lamer expense of time than sitting around trying to write this. That’s just one thing that separates me and Bob Dylan. Height is another. Politics? Same difference.

We hear the song and take for granted that what he sings about is true. Immortalizing anything has a tendency to do that. Yertle the Turtle has been memorialized, for example. Does that mean he’s even real? No, of course not. So, just because an artist, of all people, and an activist on top of that, choose to say something, does not make it actual or accurate. Fair warning, there.

So like all things, there are at least two sides to the story. I don’t know enough to make an informed decision one way or another here. I’ve heard the stories. Obviously in song, here, at the very least.

But I’ve become cynical as I’ve gotten older. That hardly makes me unique, thank goodness. Our gullibility lessens as we age, and it’s more difficult to pull wool over our eyes. “Wisdom” as some call it. I’m also not saying this is something that all old people are automatically imbued with. At all. Part of this wisdom is knowing how to spot who’s who. You have to meet and get to know a lot of people to be able to do that. Tens of thousands. That takes time and energy that younger people simply don’t have yet.

I’ve broken through several plateaus, for lack of a better word, where, suddenly I’ve found myself thinking more clearly and more highly, on another level. I mean I feel smarter, and more alert and aware. That’s not meant to brag in any way. It’s just how I am, which I’m grateful for. And whether it’s truth or my own false perception is something I’m careful about distinguishing between. I can be very opinionated, and I make sure I’m correct before speaking. I try not to make any assumptions ever, and I never make a bet that isn’t a 100% sure thing. And those don’t come along often. (You typically need to make that situation be true yourself.)

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