I have decided that I am going to try to write on Substack daily, like a journal. Even if I have nothing pertinent to say, which is always unlikely, I’m going to put some thoughts down on paper. It helps my brain stay organized elsewhere. This was a daily task my 8th grade English teach had us do, to varying success. What do you have to write down when you’re a boy in 8th grade?
I have several big priorities currently. My little, but growing fast, daughter, which is always #1. Then myself, and I’m now suddenly back at home in SC taking care of my dad, which is another big priority. He has Alzheimer’s and is 80. He wasn’t very competent to begin with so it’s a struggle. And I just picked up and moved back, which means I need a job, which is another big chore. And I need to get out of my dad’s house, which is a rotting log falling down all around us. But I need to be close shouldld anything malfunction. So that’s where I currently am. I’m not leaving SC again and I’m not abandoning my daughter, ever.
My little girl, who is 9, is back in Louisville with her mother, who took her away for no good reason when she was 5. Neither are from up there. She’s telling our daughter the judge is to blame, which of course isn’t true. She’s keeping the status quo as long as she can afford to, which she’s happy to do, at our daughter’s entire expense. That’s abuse, and I seem to be the only one who cares, so that’s my main battle in life.
I’m glad to be back in my home state, but I haven’t spread my wings just yet. Just being back is wonderful. But I have a lot of preparation, which is 99% of any endeavor succeeding. That takes time. This is teaching patience if nothing else. I just went 2 weeks with everything needed being closed for the “holidays” and then a snow storm. People’s lives can wait when there’s loafing to do I guess.